Less visited than its big brother the right bank , Montparnasse Cemetery is home, he also treasures. We walked the 19 hectares and 35 000 licenses of South cemetery for you to discover some of its most beautiful tombs.

"L'Oiseau" Niki de Saint-Phalle's tribute to deceased friend

Burial family Angenard

The grave of French sculptor August Rubin

Tomb of a surgeon and gynecologist Jacques Lisfranca

Burial Augusta Dornes, left politician wounded during the revolutionary days of June 1848 and died a few weeks later

The tomb of the French literary critic and writer Sainte-Beuve

Burial family Wattiez-Gaillard

Burial family Larochelle

Tomb of Urbain Le Verrier, French astronomer, discoverer of the planet Neptune and founder of the French modern meteorology.

Thanks Jean Tombe

Tomb Martine Aublet, former director of philanthropy at the Quai Branly Museum

Tomb of Robert Thibier, French decorator

Tomb of bookseller and publisher Honoré Champion French by sculptor Albert Bartholomé

Grave Sculpture Caesar

Grob Claudea Darren

Burial sculptor Baltasar Lobo

The tomb of Jules Dumont d'urvi, a French naval officer and explorer

Burial Prince Achéryja

Burial family Picciotto

The tomb of the French writer and playwright Marguerite Duras, continuously covered with pencil

Tombs adrenals, across the street Emile-Richard

Grob family Mayeur

Burial families Alfred Marois

The tomb of the family of Charles Pigeon

Burial Albert Coetzer, infantry captain

Burial Andre Deroide said Dr. André

Montparnasse Cemetery - 3 Boulevard Edgar Quinet, 75014

Metro: Edgar Quinet (line 6), Raspail (lines 4 and 6), Gaite (line 13)

Open from 8 am to 18h on weekdays from 8:30 am to 18h on Saturday and 9am to 18h Sunday

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